Earlier this month the fixtures for the Males’s T20 World Cup had been launched. Nonetheless to all intents and functions the fixtures, …
Earlier this month the fixtures for the Males’s T20 World Cup had been launched. Nonetheless to all intents and functions the fixtures, …
Maybe, just maybe, they want to make money.
ICC does a brilliant scheduling, the guy is like its almost too perfect.
-England fans coming in big numbers means money for Caribbean only.
-India must play games suitable for Indian eyes. Few thousand west indian people watching doesn't cut it. Same goes for other big teams.
– WI games must be at WI prime time, odd that one is not.
The entitlement in WI is still as if its 70s and 80s.
Meanwhile, BCCI with all the money in the world can't move WTC final away from England.
Most sport is fixed, or set up, so long as results aren't fixed im not that bothered…. Surely having England's games in the 2 places they lke to go helps sell more tickets, good for revenue of west Indies.
Im Irish and Irish cricket fan so would only dream of hosting a competition, but it rains all time ha
Timing are out and good news is that All West Indies Matches will be night games starting 8:30 PM Caribbean Time except the opening game V PNG.. even the super 8s and semi finals (if we make it) will be night games & some are especially on the weekend as well..
The West Indies v Afghanistan in St. Lucia segment is killing me
I have no issues with fixing countries and venues. It benefits the game to have USA playing in USA and West Indies in the Caribbean… Like England playing at Wembley in home football tournaments, or number 1 seeds playing at Centre Court in Tennis Grand Slams.
The issue for me is fixing the groups i.e. India v Pakistan and fixed Super 8 groups.
You should be rewarded for winning your Group Stage by seeding the tournament thereafter
I said this in a comment but I wanted your take CCP
The old guard was your ranking at a cut off time in snake order. So with the 20 teams, group A would be 1, 8, 9, 16, 17. B would be 2, 7, 10, 15, 18. C would be 3, 6, 11, 14, 19 and D would be 4, 5, 12, 13, 20. Some even do it in reverse order by breaking you off 1, 5, 9, 13, 17; 2, 6, 10, 14, 18; 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 and 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. But this, since they want to expand world cups yet still keep marquee match ups because of the uncertainty of the game, all while stacking the deck to ensure the best possible chance for the big 3 to advance is ridiculous. I guarantee that had England missed out on Champs trophy, that they would have chanced the requirements to be the seeding at a cut off time and not the top 8 of the world cup finishes though…but who and I right?
Even take a look at the U19 draw, clearly favoring the big dogs
Ofcourse the "draws" are all fixed and the rich boards especially the Indian one has a lot to do with it.
Is the draw done publicly as in FIFA or CONCACAF? They should seed the teams. That would demonstrate some fairness.
#1 through #3 – it would take greater minds than the ICC to come up with such great plans. They are following the suggestions of countries who are always thinking about the well being of the game. Those countries being Australia, England and most importantly India.
ICC have read the FIFA playbook, especially the section on the dark arts, and have decided it's the way to go.
One last question machel – where is Jayden seales? He was coming back from injury. Injured again or just making sure match for to come back? What’s the latest?
Environmental impact. I’m seeing more and more on sporting events having to consider this. As it’s spread across several countries, locating the biggest teams with likely the biggest number of supporters, I can see the rational to locating certain teams to certain countries. So I agree not random but I can see the justification for these. Obviously you can’t do this for all teams However the st Lucia fixture for wi seems suss based on that rationale. Re the times, like anything else, always dictated by time zones of the biggest audiences. You can never avoid that. My preference though would have been to have seen the picks done on tv with set teams in various countries. That would have been more transparent.
I recall 1975.test tour to Australia when the Wet Indies were whipped 5 games to 1.that team had recently enjoyed a series win against India the members of that team are today hailed.as Legends of W I cricket and we are writing off these present team of young men through no fault of their own who were sent to battle the forgetting that in their first test match one bowler claimed 5 wickets and a young lower order batsman got a score of fifty runs in his 1st test yet we ate forgetting that Sir Gordon Greenidge was dropped after failing in the 1st Test. Have a heart of sympathy for the youngsters who were thrown in the deepend

First time Mach has made a vid under 20 mins!
Knew it was nonsense the moment we had to share with USA
Free Marlon Samuels, free Marlon Samuels, free Marlon Samuels!
India "drawn" with Pakistan,Australia "drawn" with England,Sri Lanka "drawn" with Bangladesh yeah through a completely random non-rigged "draw" process
One would think cricket is just bat and ball, nah fam this is a tv series.
1: India and Pakistan straight up economics.
2: Sweet Caroline always sounds better in Little England
3: CWI is not the host but rather ICC is the hosting organization.
4: CWI got a bly playing Afghanistan in St. Lucia.
5: The final in the mecca, is expected Bajans like to serve people.
FIFA and ICC both fighting for the cup of corruption.
Machel you were spot on!! Totally with you on this. Also, for me that India vs Pakistan game should have gone to one of the Caribbean stadiums.
Games should start at twenny past 8 20:20 haha man or 4:20 in the arvo mate haha btw what about Australia's draw? Have they looked after them? and Ireland's! I'm Irish Australian
Mr Graves did say it's structured for the time zone of other nations. It's all about the media money!
ICC is the boss. Something like FIFA espaciallt in the past. Talk done.
Man, what an analysis! I didn't deep this at all. I'm so naïve! This why I have to come to your channel!
few things from me – i dont actually mind them sort of giving venues for particular fixtures – no point having west indies game in USA and it maximises crowds, nor do i have a problem with teams playing in same couple of venues in first stage as its a cost measure. My main issue is with the draw and the lack of transparency. It should be live streamed so you can clearly see who gets who – india v pakistan and aus vs england is too conveniant and fixing the groups for the sake of venues is wrong. they should be doing groups, then tailor venues to which games they want fine
I don't think the ICC planned any of it — they don't know enough about cricket or planning to do anything like that. I assume they were told by certain countries where their teams would play. Therre's too much money at stake for it to be given up to the roll of a dice. I doubt matches are fixed all that often, but the business stuff certainly.
At least that's how experienced it even at the very modest local cricket level at which I played it in Australia, and I always assumed it's the same everywhere. Just beery old guys doing business. Look at the Olympics Committee, or the IFF.
Also, the lines are blurred even in normal test cricket. Commentators will say the ground staff will prepare the pitch "however they see fit", and in the lext breath talk about what the home captain should be asking them for.
As for sports journalists, I got banned from commenting at the Guardian (I'm sure it was by Mike Selvey himself, not admin) for showing how he and half a dozen other journos each week were all using the same phrasing for their defense of Cook as captain — obviously getting their marching orders from the ECB. Selvey epsecially was constantly attacking Kevin Pieterson, calling him a "parasite" etc, while cosying up to other players. Then selling tickets to the public to go on tour with him with 'special access' to certain players (but not others). It's worse than political journalism sometimes.
That's why I happily listen to your podcast here! (Even if I always think of the Chinese Communist Party when I see the name!)
I think those times may be subject to change. I saw Johnny graves on a sky sports podcast saying that they may have three games in one game and how West Indies matches may start at 8:00 so idk
ICC is ah fraud
The game times are set specifically for the Indian broadcast market…
Maybe you are right. It could also be that they picked the groups first (randomly)… and then assigned them to venues based on factors that would make sense to maximize revenue and ensure that TV audiences gets satisfied example all india matches in group stages are 10 am. Which only makes sense for there HUGE TV market.
You know i was thinking the exact same thing… the group draws for the T20 worldcup just seemed highly suspect. One can only assume the ICC wants to ensure the WI stays in the tournament for as long as possible being a home WC for us
What is the ideal time acc. to you for world cup matches with full attendance of local Caribbean fans?
The country which hosts an icc tournament , do they keep 100 percent revenue with themselves or it is distributed among member countries and icc?
If the draw wasn’t televised, then this draw really looks fishy indeed!
This definitely appears as a classic case of a “fix”! Coincidence?????
Conspiracy Mach! We love to see it. This WC is gonna be shit for fans. No doubt commentators will bemoan the lack of fan engagement. Let’s see if any of them are able to delve into the reasons why